So without going into lots of details (blogs are so public and some things I just don't want to talk about with the WHOLE WORLD... but if an individual really wants to know what's going on, let me know and I will send you a personal email)... (I guess that's my disclaimer and I hope the rest of this post makes sense):
Anyway, I'm going to pat myself on the back a little bit... most of the time I feel like the harried mother who is constantly battling with my little one. And the doctor we met with today told me that she was so pleased to see how well I interact with him... how patient I am (and I felt like I was constantly telling him not to touch this or that, etc.), how I engage with him, etc. Anyway, it made my day that an outside person would compliment my mothering when most of the time I feel inadequate (I think we probably all feel this way). Pavlos is totally fine, just needs a little speech and occupational therapy to get him ready for possibly entering kindergarten (or primer as we call it at Agia Sophia). That's all I'm going to say about that....
16 years ago