Monday, June 26, 2006

"Hello, I'm Johnny Cash"

Pavlos' new favorite album is a Johnny Cash greatest hits... although we may have to cut back on him listening to Folsom Prison Blues as it sounds a little funny hearing him run around the house singing, "I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die." Pavlos' real favorite song is Ring of Fire... he even made up hand motions to go along with the song:)

We were at the monastery this last weekend... very nice. Although I am selfish and would rather be there when no one else is there... too many people. Papa Herman has pictures on his blog (he didn't take them as he wasn't there). Pavlos is not pictured in the picture of the kids ringing the smaller bells, but he "helped" ring the bigger bell:) It was very hot and we spent a lot of time with the goats (hopefully, not the goats that Christ separates from the sheep).

In other news... my uncle Pete is getting married. This is big news as he is a confirmed bachelor of 48 or 49 years of age. We can't believe it. He is in Greece right now. I think my new aunt is a couple of years younger than me. We are very excited and happy for him. Seriously, we never thought this day would come. And, in fact, he has 3 nieces and a nephew that are married before him:) This is an answer to my yiayia's prayers (she passed away last October... May her memory be eternal). I know that while she was alive she prayed constantly that Pete would get married... her prayers in heaven are more powerful because he's getting married!!! I might just have first cousins that are 34 years younger than me (and younger than my own children). Only in crazy Greek families:)


Mimi said...

Bwahahahahahahhaa, large families are like that! Both my husband and I have cousins that are the same age as our oldest son.

Anonymous said...

Wow, congratulations uncle pete!
I love picturing Pavlos singing Johnny Cash, what a cutie. I love Johnny Cash.

Anonymous said...

Growing up my favorite album was my parents copy of Johnny Cash "Live at Folsom Prison." I used to want to be able to sweat like Johnny did on the album cover.

Pavlos and I need to hang out together and sing some Johnny Cash songs.

Christina said...

I like Johnny Cash, too, but I am a little tired of the John Henry song... it's so long. And Pavlos also really likes it. And when it comes on, he knows I don't really like it and says, "mommy, you don't like this song do you?" EVERYTIME...

Elizabeth said...

Fr. Paul just introduced the rest of us to Johnny Cash, after Thanksgiving while we were driving from Tucson to Portland to move here. He bought Live from Folsom Prison, and while I really like it, I am uncomfortable hearing all that hooting over shooting a man in Reno from the prisoners! Oh, well--I do like how he saw good in everyone.

Christina said...

Pres. Elizabeth... I totally agree with you... a little disconcerting to hear the cheering at that one point during "Folsom Prison Blues"