So, our big news around the house is that Paul was diagnosed withe Celiac's disease. We are attempting to go gluten-free. He is, of course, completely gluten-free while we are still eating some things. But I am considering all of us going gluten free because of the high chance that Pavlos and Petros could also have celiacs. Anyway, it's been a bit of an adventure. Especially when going out to eat.
I am also thinking of starting a gluten free blog where I post recipes (I made this great dish with corn tortillas last night) and post products that I like or products that I don't like (for example, do not buy Trader Joe's tzatziki... it has modified food starch which is a no no on a gluten free diet... you just don't know where it comes from).
Anyway, that's all for now. I have made two loaves of gluten free bread for Paul and it is better than the store bought bread! Go figure:)
16 years ago