Tuesday, October 04, 2005

What's in a name UPDATE!

Actor Nicholas Cage and his wife have a new baby boy. And they named him after Superman. So is Superman his "patron saint"? The weirdness of names continues on...


Xenia Kathryn said...

Hey Christina!
SOOO glad to see that you've started blogging again! It was like Christmas, clicking on your sight and discovering that you had not just one new blog, but three! As far as names go... I agree with you (and Karl). Yesterday at work a grandmother-to-be told me her soon-to-be-born granddaughter was going to be named "Dakota." All I could do was force a smile and shut my mouth, because Dakota happens to be to me what Colby is to Karl :) *sigh*

Do you think you're having a Petros or a Petra? :D

Take care!

Christina said...

Thanks, Katie. Paul said that if I continue to read blogs, I should continue to write one, too...

I have no clue what I'm having:) but will hopefully find out in early November. We probably aren't going to name a girl Petra, though...
Hope you are feeling well... i went to the doctor yesterday and heard the heartbeat (no ultrasound). Very exciting. And I have felt the baby move (first time mom's usually won't feel the baby move until between 16-20 weeks) which is exciting because I didn't feel Pavlos until 20 weeks.