This is a picture of my dad and Virginia taken last May at our church fundraiser dinner
UPDATE: Yiayia Virginia passed away. Please continue to pray her her and her family. My dad was very close to her and this will be difficult for him, especially coming so quickly after my yiayia, his mother, passed away. Yiayia Virginia gave our son, Pavlos, a crocheted blanket about six months ago. She wanted him to have something to remember her by. May her memory be eteranl.
"O God of spirits and of all flesh, Who has trampled down Death and overthrown the Devil, and given life unto Your world, give, we beseech You, eternal rest tothe soul of Your departed servant, (Virginia) in a place of brightness, in aplace of abundance, in a place of repose, from whence all pain, sorrow, andsighing, have fled away.Pardon, we beseech You, every transgression which may have been committed,whether by word or deed or thought. For there is no man who lives and does notcommit a sin. You only are without sin, Your righteousness is everlasting, andYour word is the Truth.For You are the Resurrection, and the Life, and the repose of Your departedservant, O Christ our God, and unto You we ascribe glory, together with eternalthe Father, and Your Most Holy, and Good, and Life-giving Spirit, now andforever, and for ages to come." Amen"May our gracious and merciful Lord, who rose from the dead, Christ, our TrueGod, through the intercessions of His Holy Mother and of all the Saints,establish the soul of His departed servant (Virginia) in the mansions of therighteous; give rest in the bosom of Abraham, and number his soul among thejust, and have mercy upon us and save us".Eternal be Your memory.
A "yiayia" from our parish is in the hospital in critical condition. She is not expected to live for very much longer. Please keep Virginia and her family in your prayers....thanks.
16 years ago
Lord, have mercy.
I will pray. Keep us informed.
She's in my prayers.
I just got the update, she is in my prayers. May her Memory be Eternal.
I am so sorry.
Memory eternal !
a lovely picture Christina....
Yes, thank you for posting that picture!
She will be sorely missed.
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