Ok, so I'm not one to make resolutions. Never have been. I have some ideas in my head of things I would like to do to show my family that I love them and to reconnect with lost friends. One goal that is really set in stone is to read the Bible in a year. Many years ago a priest gave to me a spreadsheet of all the readings in the Bible divided up by date. Each day is about 10 minutes of reading. I have started a blog that is the readings (just cutting and pasting off of a Bible site). So, come read along with me! Please forgive me if I do not keep this resolution, but I am really, really going to try (and maybe blogging it will give me some accountability:)
My sister in law has started a blog, here's the link.
16 years ago
Oooooh, awesome! Thanks!
(oh and PS - I keep my book list in a journal, but my mom does the Excel Spreadsheet too)
Wow- that is great! I'll make sure to add it to my feed reader. Happy New!
good luck with the project!
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